6209 Amber Hills Rd
Trussville, AL 35173
Office: 205-995-8231
Fax: 205-995-8232
Single and multi-family
Manufactured homes
Mobile homes
Retail, Restaurants
Farming - Poultry
Fire and explosion investigations require many skill sets and many times involve varied scientific and engineering disciplines. We see the "fire investigator" as the front line, "general practitioner", who begins the investigation performing an overall evaluation. Many times the investigator is able to reach an objective accurate conclusion based on the data, facts and evidence obtained. There are times, however, when it can be beneficial to involve others who have special areas of expertise. We work with industry leading forensic engineers and scientists to provide you, the client, with the most accurate determination possible.
Our investigative approach is systematic and is based on the Scientifc Method recommended by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigation 921 (NFPA 921).
Structural investigations can be complex requiring considerable knowledge and experience to evaluate the conditions and consider "all data" so that a quality determination of the area of origin and the cause is made.
Our staff is experienced and well trained. All are Certified Fire Investigators (CFI), through the International Association of Arson Investigators (I.A.A.I.) and in full compliance with NFPA 1033: Standard for Profesional Qualifications for Fire Investigators.
We have investigated thousands of fires and explosions in all types of structures, facilities and equipment.